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Dress Codes

MDUSD Dress and Grooming Policy (BP 5132)

“The Governing Board believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The Board expects students to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to wear clothes that are suitable for the school activities in which they participate. Therefore, students are to dress appropriately on all school campuses and at all school activities in the district. Students have the right to make individual choices from a wide range of clothing and grooming styles, but they must not present a health or safety hazard or a distraction which would interfere with the educational process. Students and parents/guardians shall be informed about dress and grooming standards at the beginning of the school year and whenever these standards are revised. Students should project an appearance that is conducive to a safe learning environment. Dress which is disruptive and contrary to school rules regarding drugs/alcohol/violence, and gangs is not permitted. Student clothing, emblem, badge, jewelry, symbol, or other insignia which creates a clear and present danger on school premises or the disruption of the orderly operation of the school is prohibited. Students and parents/guardians shall be informed about the school dress code at the beginning of the year and when revised. A student who violates the dress code shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.”

Westwood Elementary Dress Code

In addition to and in support of the above Board Policy, at Westwood, we believe that students should dress in a manner that aligns with our school rules: Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible. Students should dress in a manner that:

  • allows them to safely and appropriately engage in all instructional and recreational activities,

  • allows them to express their individuality without fear of unwarranted discipline or body shaming,

  • does not promote hate (i.e. derogatory or offensive language/imagery), violence, or illegal activity.

In support of these core values, students are expected to adhere to the rules listed below:

  1. Closed-toe athletic shoes are the most appropriate footwear. Flip flops, sandals, slip-ons, and heeled footwear do not allow for safe participation in Physical Education or recess activities and should not be worn to school.

  2. Undergarments and private body parts should be appropriately and sufficiently covered at all times. 

  3. All clothing, including accessories, with words and pictures/symbols must be free of offensive or inappropriate imagery or phrasing.

  4. Clothing and accessories should in no way impede free/comfortable movement or the ability to appropriately and safely engage in academic tasks, as determined by school staff.

  5. The use of colognes/perfumes is strongly discouraged. Strong fragrances may trigger allergic reactions in others and contribute to an uncomfortable learning environment.

  6. Hats and hoods may be worn during outdoor activities for protection from sun/wind/cold. A student may be asked to remove a hat or hood if it is impeding an individual’s ability to access visual supports in the school environment or if it covers the student’s face to the extent that the student is not identifiable (except clothing/headgear worn for a religious or medical purpose).

Students, staff members, caregivers, and volunteers are responsible for managing their personal expectations of appropriate dress, beyond what is stated in this code.

Attire worn in observance of a student’s religion is not subject to this code. Caregivers are encouraged to share information with staff/teachers when a change in apparel is expected due to special circumstances.

When students are in violation of these rules, staff will address the violation as discreetly as possible. Students may be asked to cover, remove, or change the offending attire. Accessories may be confiscated until the end of the school day or retrieved by a caregiver. Students may be excused from class briefly to change clothes, and/or caregivers may be called to bring the student appropriate clothing. Caregivers will be informed when their student’s attire is in violation of the Code. Repeated, intentional violation of these rules will result in progressive disciplinary action when the attire creates a substantial disruption to the educational environment, poses a risk to the health or safety of others, or factors into a student behavior rule violation such as harassment, intimidation, and bullying.